What to do when varicose veins: the modern methods of treatment

From the style of life of the person depends on the state of health, but often we can't influence the development of diseases, some of them inherent in us genetically. These diseases include varicose veins. It's called a disease of civilization.

varicose veins Noticed that most of the people who suffer from varicose veins in developed countries. The likelihood of it appearing higher in people who have relatives with this problem, but other factors are:

  • work in a static position (risk teachers, surgeons, barbers, salesmen);
  • the lack of dynamics of physical activity in the morning (if you're too lazy to exercise, then you are at risk);
  • a bad choice of clothes and shoes (too tight, often wear high heels);
  • shower, sauna, tan in the afternoon, when the sun is very active.

What happens to the veins with varicose veins?

Varicose veins is abnormal veins. Can appear on the abdomen, in men, the scrotum, the pelvis and even in the language. Varicose veins can not cope with the flow of blood. My legs are very swollen. Later he formed varicose veins eczema and nonhealing sores. Even have to use antibiotics to kill the infection. But the worst — varicose veins in the later stages limits the capacity to work.

The symptoms of varicose veins in the legs

The harbingers that indicate the development of varicose veins:

  • heaviness in the legs;
  • pain pain;
  • swelling of the feet;
  • ramps;
  • varicose veins;
  • trophic changes;
  • pigmentation;
  • blue that is not preceded by a trauma.

In the early stages can be seen only in the vascular mesh. But later the symptoms are obvious. The veins under the skin, have a form with a wavy and resemble bunches of grapes. If you have symptoms of varicose veins, consult immediately to the doctor. You are encouraged to do an ultrasound of the lower extremities, to check the status of the venous valves. This procedure takes about 30 minutes.

Methods of treatment of varicose veins

Conservative methods can only slow down the spread of the varicose veins. The most commonly used preparations based on horse chestnut, and bioflavonoids (nutrients, antioxidants). The treatment tends to be long. The medicines are produced in the form of ointments, gels, drops, tablets and capsules. Duration of treatment determines the physician depending on how the disease started. The drugs may be several, if the stay is greater than the first or the second, if there are no trophic changes in the skin.

Compression therapy lies in the selection of compression stockings or stockings you want to use in the morning and remove it just before going to sleep. Lasts all the year. Compression downloads the veins, therefore the blood flows in the right direction, relieves the pain and the inflammation. Recommend to buy 2 pairs of socks or stockings. You will need to change them every day.

Sclerotherapy is a modern method of treatment of varicose veins with injections of a substance that's special that good in the vein of the patient. With time, it dissolves and no longer involved in the bloodstream. His work takes on other veins. It is a method to be completely safe, but may not be used in all cases. Normally, this method to treat reticular veins (telangiectasia). You can go, and the clinic to go to during my lunch hour.

Surgical treatment of varicose veins

Used in the defeat of the large veins in the later stages. Requires local or General anesthesia. The operations are performed in a surgical Department, or specialized centers of phlebology.

The operation can be performed:

  • with radio frequency is the latest technique that allows you to with lots of care and at the local level to operate on varicose veins, the result of this operation was to hit Vienna absorbed and its functions take on other veins;
  • using steam micro impulse after the local anesthetic in a catheter thin inserts couples the diseased vein diminishes and disappears;
  • using the method Varadi is the meaning of the operation in the extraction of the vein through the puncture, the surgery requires local anesthesia, the effect that has a duration of about 5 hours, you can walk a hour and a half after the surgery, the discharge is the same day;
  • with the help of a laser beam — quick, bloodless, and safe way.

Popular treatments for varicose veins

treatment of varicose veins

Patients want to believe that there is a relatively harmless and simple treatment for veins. Yes, you can try to use traditional methods. It can be effective in the early stages, and only in combination with the basic principles of the therapy. Treatment of folk ways should start after consultation with the doctor and accurate diagnosis.

To improve the circulation of blood it can use the ointment. But it can not be applied to open wounds. If the skin has ulcers, which only began to Mature, before the treatment, you must wait for the opening. Don't be afraid of the smell of the ointment — just make compresses for the night, but not before leaving the house.

Another effective remedy is tincture of horse chestnut. For its preparation should be cleaned chestnuts and push them in 200 ml of vodka. This tool will make it invisible to the spider veins, if you must use it regularly. For 2 months take tincture 30 drops after each main meal. Faces also with varicose veins (vascular mesh) homemade Apple vinegar. If you have problems with the stomach inside the tool to apply them not only in the form of compresses and lotions. Shop Apple cider vinegar for the treatment of spider veins is not suitable— there is a lot of chemistry, and virtually no nutrients to improve microcirculation.

Prevention of varicose veins

There is a way, if the varicose veins just appeared, or if the members of your family?

Simple rules to prevent further development of varicose veins:

  • the loads have an alternative, if you're sitting, take breaks for 5-10 minutes every 45 minutes, during which walk, do a small exercise.
  • stack of clothing tight and uncomfortable shoes with heels more than 5 cm, wear similar clothing and shoes only for the output;
  • also prevents the appearance of varicose veins, swimming pool and cold shower, that the tone of the blood vessels;
  • during pregnancy it is recommended to wear a preventive compression hosiery and special support, which also reduce the pressure on the spine.

You should always be in the presence of soothing gels and ointments, especially during the summer holidays, with the heat. Take the sun with varicose veins can be from 8 to 11 h and from 17 to 20 hours in the afternoon.

Diet for varicose veins

If you have a weak from the birth, the wall vein, the predisposition to the appearance of varicose veins, the thrombosis will still be high. Women at increased risk. But it is possible to saturate the body with useful ship components. In the first place, you need to lean on those foods that contain vitamin C and rutin:

  • black currants;
  • lemons;
  • kiwi;
  • strawberries;
  • cabbage;
  • citrus fruits;
  • grapes.

Cook from these fruit and berry juices, jellies, prepare for the winter jam. Modern refrigeration allows you to freeze a lot of berries. Very tasty to drink fresh juice or make a fruit salad. Note for products that have a positive effect on the liver. Spider veins can be indicative of problems with it.

The veins will thank you for your concern, especially if in addition, you wash your feet in cold water, and swim a lot and do water aerobics. Now even in small cities there are fitness centers with a pool, so swimming can. Don't stop training in the winter. All you need to do is to make a Radio and choosing a pool near the house.

The sport in varicose veins disease

If you are overweight, consult a dietitian. The coach can also make you a training program that will be effective and varicose veins and for weight loss. You should avoid heavy lifting, if there are problems with the veins. So weight lifting is not for you. If you have a small child, raise it properly: do not bend the back, the first to put themselves in his hind legs. Use a stroller, don't bring your baby in your arms for too long.

Help with varicose veins is in the foot of the stairs, run small pace, in the winter to go skiing. The tangible benefits can provide Nordic walking. This type of exercise is good for people with any level of fitness. Know where it is located in the city of training of Nordic walking. The people in Europe, in the absence of snow to walk with two sticks in hand, should not surprise us. So who will take part of the load of the muscles and the veins.

exercise varicose veins

Another good way to normalize the function of the veins is to perform inverted asanas of yoga. But you must start with the basic asanas. You will notice that not only they are stronger and can walk long distances, but also his emotional state is much better. Yoga is very useful for women. It also normalizes, soothes hormonal — fluctuations that can cause the deterioration of the situation with the veins. Stress is also undesirable for patients with varicose veins because the pressure drops damage to the veins.

Try to perceive the complexity philosophically and not be nervous on trifles. If you have a job stressful, especially in the legs, you may want to think about changing activities. Patients with varicose veins it is recommended to work in the open air associated with active movements in the city. When loads, especially if you have to sit on a bus or plane, wear compression tights.